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Accinctus - Preparedness for Micro & Small Businesses

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Preparedness for Micro & Small Businesses

Preparedness for Micro & Small Businesses

(1-50 Employees)



  • Micro & small businesses are challenged to balance limited resources (time, people, budget) with business demands.

  • Traditional preparedness and business continuity has not focused on small business so most tools, systems, and training were not designed to fit the needs of small business.

  • Small businesses tend to incorrectly believe that disasters won’t happen to them or there is nothing they can do to prepare.  Less than 25% of SMBs total take any preparedness actions at all which contributes to the fact that they have the lowest survival rate of any business after a disruption or disaster.  Even small incidents can put a small business out of business.



Micro & small businesses should implement simple and flexible preparedness steps that: 

  • Provide large gains for small investment of time and resources focused on the most likely 3-5 threats.

  • Utilize self-guided tools and easy to use checklists in times of crisis.

  • Focus training on basic preparedness and response to protect customer and employee safety from the most likely threats.

  • Ensure basic legal compliance. 


Accinctus Solutions for Micro & Small Businesses:

  1. A no-cost initial assessment to identify your requirements based on regulatory and operational preparedness needs.
  2. Accinctus Preparedness for Micro & Small Businesses Seminar is a 2 hour seminar to educate small business owners on basic concepts of business preparedness, legal requirements, and a practical approach to establishing preparedness actions.
  3. Accinctus Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Workshop provides instruction and a simple template and toolset helping you develop your own EAP to ensure employee safety and compliance with OSHA requirements for businesses with more than 10 employees.
  4. Accinctus Preparedness Implementation Project for Micro & Small Business will help a small business develop a foundation preparedness program meeting regulatory and operational requirements using the concise Accinctus ADAPTABLE© model.
  5. Basic preparedness training to teach employees correct response actions in case of an emergency or disaster.







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