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Accinctus - What's all that Shaking?

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Wednesday, 16 October 2013 17:01

What's all that Shaking? Featured

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Have you ever felt the earth move beneath you?  I’m not asking if you’ve metaphorically felt the earth move by falling in love, I’m referring to an actual movement of the earth beneath you – AKA an earthquake.  If you’ve been through an earthquake you know that strange feeling of having everything under you moving when it shouldn’t be.  We’re so used to having the earth be a solid and safe surface that when the forces of our dynamic world decide to let loose a bit, we’re normally caught unaware and unprepared.


On October 17th all across the country states, cities, businesses, schools, and other organizations will participate in the “Great ShakeOut” drills and education programs.  This program is to highlight the threat of earthquakes across the country.  Although most people associate earthquakes with the West Coast of the US, earthquakes are possible in all 50 states. 



In case of an earthquake there is a simple 3 step phrase to remember:  DROP – COVER – HOLD ON!  DROP to the ground and make a sturdy base so you don’t get knocked down in the shaking.  Take COVER under a desk, table or other protection.  HOLD ON until the shaking stops and you can safely move.  Do not try to run outside, shelter in a doorway or other actions that put you at greater risk.  Your best way to avoid injury (especially from falling objects off of shelves and such) is to get under a sturdy desk or table and hold on. 


If you’d like to participate in the Great ShakeOut drills, or are just looking for more information, check out http://www.shakeout.org/ or http://www.dropcoverholdon.org/.


Earthquakes are just one threat a business or other organization should include in their emergency procedures, training programs, and continuity planning.  Besides the risk to employees and customers physical safety, an earthquake can damage your building and equipment, disrupt your supply chain, or impact your sales and orders if your customers are impacted.  If you’ve never considered earthquakes in your business continuity plans or preparedness training program contact Accinctus for help addressing this threat.


Be Aware – Be Prepared – Be Safe

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Read 2044 times Last modified on Friday, 31 January 2014 03:24